Springtime at the Estate
Stories about the transition from the cold season to the colorful growing season are hallmarks of human tradition and myth. With modern scientific understanding of the earth's axis and orbit, we're aware of the natural causes for springtime and the shifts in weather. Even so, we think it's beneficial to be enchanted by the change from cold and dormant to warm and colorful, observing the beauty of blossoms and sunshine with wonder. This week, we're looking into the myths and traditions of old to connect with timeless nature of what springtime brings to the Estate.
Light and Warmth
In Norse mythology, the god primarily associated with spring was Baldur, the god of light. Baldur was one of the most beloved deities within Norse myth. He was always depicted as attractive, and was praised for bringing light to springtime. At Rubino Estates, we appreciate the sunny days and pleasant warmth drawing the plants out of dormancy and waving goodbye to the chill of winter. As we enjoy these first days of spring, the cold days have reminded us of a story told by the Hopi people, which spoke of the Forces of Winter and Summer fighting over Blue Corn Maiden. This figure caused the crops to grow, so her presence was vital. When the weather would shift suddenly between warmth and cold, it was said that the forces of summer and winter were fighting over her. Eventually, summer would win and the crops could grow in safety.
Blossoms and Leaves
It's been a delight to watch the foliage around the Estate bursting into color. The determined weeds in between or rows of Petite Sirah have popped with tiny purple blooms, and this plum cherry tree overlooking our Sangiovese block has held onto its blossoms through multiple storms. In Greek mythology, the world would blossom when Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, experienced the joy of her daughter Persephone making her yearly journey out of the Underworld. For the time that Persephone would remain, the world would be fruitful, earning her the title of the goddess of spring.
Birds and Other Fauna
From tiny chicks to the easter bunny, spring is known to be a season for new life and precious animals. We've done some birdwatching on the Estate, appreciating the lively flocks as well as the solitary creatures. As we know, each one of these has a place in our ecosystem. Pictured above is a Eastern Bluebird, perching on our Zinfandel vines, as well as an American Robin, the family of which has taken up residence in one of our pepper trees. In Welsh folklore, the goddess of spring was named Blodeuwedd, meaning "flower faced." She was known for following her own rules and doing as she pleased, eventually turning herself into an owl to escape responsibility. Though nearly impossible to spot, our vineyards are also home to many owls who patrol majestically from dusk until dawn as well as being effective pest control. Like Blodeuwedd, spring can be finicky, but it is undeniably a season of great beauty.
The sun is shining, the soil is warming, and leaves are breaking out of their buds. The song of the sparrows echoes over the vineyard as the sun breaks through the clouds of the spring rain. Spring has officially arrived at Rubino Estates, and we're delighted to share it with you.
What's your favorite thing about spring? Let us know @rubinoestates on social media!