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Rubino Estates Winery
January 21, 2022 | Rubino Estates Winery

Random Acts of Wellness

If you’re already tired of winter weather or worried about the twists and turns we’ll experience in 2022, you’re not alone. As each day goes by, however, we’re learning to practice “random acts of wellness”—little actions that take only a few minutes but can brighten a day. For the things we can work on and the things that are outside of our control, these actions may help you to feel ready to face each day, week, month, and year. 

Get Outside and Move. 

The evidence in support of the physical and psychological benefits of this is overwhelming. Even if the sun isn’t shining or the chill is getting to you, it’s worth it. You don’t need to have a full workout on your front lawn (although that might be refreshing), just put on a coat, step outside, and breathe. Stretch a little, take a few steps or go around the block and enjoy the energizing power of fresh air and movement.  

Clean Something.

You don’t have to scrub and polish, just set a timer for 2-5 minutes and straighten something up. Research shows that cleaning is powerfully connected to improved mood and focus, so if you’re looking for a little act of wellness with good reward, this one is worth trying. Bonus points if you grab a friend, family, member, or coworker to join you and do the same.

Express Thankfulness. 

Next time you say “thank you” to someone, try to pause and dwell on your thankfulness. Gratefulness is closely connected with well-being. If you appreciate a sense of meaning or feel like you need a little boost, we recommend writing a thank you note to someone or write down a couple things you are thankful for. You don’t even need to send the note, although you may find another boost of joy in doing so!

Change your Scenery.

This is especially important for anyone feeling weighed down by a monotonous routine. Take your work or task to another room, or leave your work behind and spend 5 minutes with a cozy blanket. Try to find a room with natural light. Try putting on some music you enjoy. Sing along, even if it’s not great!

Try Something New.

Trying new things is a great way to make memories, stimulate creativity, and open the door to know yourself better! The gesture does not have to be grand. Try wearing something outside of your usual wardrobe, or find a recipe for something you’ve never cooked. If you usually drink white wine, try reds. If you usually walk for exercise, try biking.  Even if it doesn’t feel as comfortable as what’s familiar to you, it’s always worth trying!

Here at the Estate, walking through the vineyards or trying new varietals are some of our favorite quick mood-boosters. What are some random acts of wellness you want to bring into your 2022?



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